Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Tree

I reach softly into my chest and pull out my still beating heart
I claw at the earth with bloodied hands
Maybe if I commit this one final act of love
I can supply her demands
I plant my heart beneath the soil
My soul watches as my heart tirelessly toils
Takes root, then sprouts up through the eroded ground
Do you hear the echoing sound?
My heart pulsates below the surface of the earth
Trying to prove to her its worth
With each beat the sprout grows, into what?
No one quite knows
First a shrub, then a tree
From the bounds of pain
My heart desires to be freed
My blood nourishes like water, the beautiful red leaves
The tree has found life
Through its existence, I begin to breathe
I watch her as she rests under the shade of my branches
She stands majestically, gracefully dances
Through my dreams, the innermost hollows of my mind
But in reality I find
She stands away from my bark exterior
Away from my loving grasp
She stares as if looking into the den of the most venomous asp
In desperation I plead for assistance from the wind
He complies, rushes through my limbs
Allowing them to bend
I bow before her, I present her with my fruit of labor
But this does not effect my favor
In her eyes I am still despised
Destined to stay rooted in my own demise.

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