Friday, March 13, 2009

A Riddle

I stare for hours at if this instrument with such incredible powers.

I bow at its black, plastic body begging to learn all,
But the only thing emitted is a loud droning call,
The sounds of voices from far and wide,
Will this idol change my mind’s tide?
Its litigating voice leaves me in a stubborn, stupefied daze
When will this robotic god help make great my ways?
I wait and watch for hours more,
Its senseless signals meld within my core,
Its gossiping beacon leaves me hypnotized,
O when will I awake, when will I rise,
And realize, that this plastic box of knowledge is merely a hoax,
Made merely to coax, my mind into a dumbfounded
stupor, Of which I will never return, into my brain,
Images are burned, and all that I have learned,
Has caused me to no longer yearn
to be greater than I am, to be a better man.
Instead, I grow gluttonous and lazy,
I’m telling you this, so the box does not slay thee.
My spirit is drowning, in a mindless muck of waste,
My mind is hanging in a uninspired state,
I have asked for answers from this box of retardation
But the only thing this trash can do is turn to the next station.
I push the buttons and beg for answers
But all it does is cause more cancer,
It takes away and strips my knowledge bare,
Causing me to no longer care,
Full of fallacy and fiction this square will not listen.
But, Ahhhh, what is this great button I have found?
I have slain the beast with a push not a pound.
I needed no hammer, no hacksaw, no drill,
O what is this button, o what a great thrill!
My finger feels this little switch called power,
And with a tiny push, I need no longer cower,
Before this box, this beast, this great mind thief,
With one tiny push I have found my relief!

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