Monday, March 16, 2009

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Annihilation

The man punishes me, sticks a steel bit in my mouth,
An iron saddle on my back, he takes everything,
Even that which I lack, his sharp spurs dig deep into my side,
I cry out in pain, but he smiles, continues to ride,
I plow his dirt of thistles and thorns, from this ground,
Nothing will be born, except hatred, malice, constant deceit,
But I refuse to, I will not, cannot, accept defeat
I fall to the dirt, taste blood between my teeth,
I close my eyes and pray for some sort of relief
But all I feel is the sting from his hard, leather crop
As he beats me incessantly, refuses to stop
I lay on my bruised back, looking up at the cloudy sky,
That's when I realize, for liberty, I am prepared to die
For what can be worse than losing my own freedom, volition,
The right to make a choice, a forum,
Where I can make loud my angry voice
My soul has been shackled, bridled in heavy chains,
I am left to scrub out the man's guilt-loaded stains
I will not live a life of tragic despair, stuck on the tracks of a train called fear.
The rage rises up within my chest, this is my last attempt,
And I will give it my very best. I lash out with all the fury built up within my soul,
To create a change, well, that is my final goal
I hear him cry out as I begin my last bout, sending my feet into his stomach,
With a satisfying thud, he falls on his back,
I do not give him any time to react
I straddle him, my calloused hands clutching his cold, slimy, throat,
I grow weary of him claiming my hard-earned profits, never again will he gloat.
As I feel the man give away his last breath,
I realize I too, face the blood red door of death.
I see them coming up the grassy hill, their battle-cry is shrill,
They have come for me, to take my life, but all I see is the end of strife.
I sit, feel the warm earth between my fingers,
The feeling of pain no longer lingers,
I close my eyes and feel the cool breeze against my battered skin,
My eyes open and I am in a place I have never been.
For the first time ever, I see the sun set,
This is a sight I shall never forget
They come upon me as ravished wolves upon a sick fawn,
It is true I will not see another dawn, but I fear not
The warm sunset slowly fades,
Into shades of smoky gray,
The light pulsates against my dimming pupils,
They tear me apart with their tools of destruction,
But this begins my plan's construction.
I chuckle, they do not realize their grave misdeed,
For they have sewn the reformation seed. As death grabs ahold,
I see the entire fold, my brothers and sisters witnessed my courageous last stand,
They will take back their once great land.
The men who had all the power will be left only to cower,
Before the raised fist, that rises through the graveyard mist.
Nightfall descends on my own existence,
But I have given birth to a revolutionary resistance.
The citizens march as one, their power, more than that of a loaded gun,
United, a perfect symbol of liberty,
I have reminded them, of what it truly means to be free.

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