Monday, March 9, 2009

Cocaine Habitat

I snort it to live, for it is my oxygen,
It enters my bloodstream and at once makes life seem,
So much more fruitful, easy to bare,
It takes me to an oasis where,
I no longer must deal with the demon's constant squeal,
Instead I reside in a symbiotic state,
One where my dream is my fate,
My imagination's plate, is full of life's feast.
There is no more taking bad with the good,
My existence is finally as it should, be.
I may no longer be healthy, full of vitality,
But it is a small price to pay to leave normality.
My outer shell is dying,
But on the inside I am flying,
Across the vast expanse of space and time,
Leave me be while I live another line.

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