Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Meadow

I pace through this meadow with acute benevolence,
I take a breath and close my eyes as I feel the prevalence,
The prevalence of beauty, the wind begins to carry me,
He whispers in my ear, "be not wary of thee,"
I let his soft, cool hands guide me higher and higher
I look down on the meadow and see a disheartening mire,
Of filth and pigs arguing and shouting, how can I get rid of this I ask the wind,
He says without pouting, "the entropy is growing on this earth you see,
You must realize that you are not the only bee,
In this hive of lust and power, truly the world is no longer a beautiful flower, at first you saw only A pristine meadow and all that surrounded you,
Hearken to me for what I‘m about to say is true,
There is no stopping this pain and sorrow,
Only a way to keep up your end of the deal,
The way you do this is to no longer borrow,
Taking from the inconclusive thought process the world has endowed,
Create your own, be proud, your mind is a gift,
A way to heal all those living in pain, it is true you can not change everything,
The moon will continue to wax and wane,
But in your creativity you have already seen differently,
Be confident in your ability to shape a change,
Forever know this when the world calls you ignorant or insane,
Your gift will be questioned, spat upon, disregarded,
But do not be concerned, for with this gift spiritual change has already started."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Worth Mentioning

The Academy Is... show was a memorable performance to say the least. I have now been to three of their shows at the HOB in Dallas. Last night's show was an extremely relaxing acoustic set. Bill covered a couple songs including Marching Bands of Manhattan (Deathcab for Cutie) and Heartbeats (Knife). It was a nice way to end an otherwise crappy weekend. I posted the cover of Marching Bands of Manhattan underneath.

Some other bands to check out for all of those music junkies out there: Search the City, Hit the Lights, This Providence, and Rookie of the Year.....and call me weird but due to studying a lot lately I have been on the lookout for some good instrumental music. Mogwai, God is an Astronaut, Explosions in the Sky are just a few of the bands I've been diggin' lately.

P.s. This may be just a rumor but I've heard about a certain band releasing a clip of some of their new stuff ;-) Boys and girls, I have a quiz for you.....find out who's album art is at the top and you will find the answer to who is releasing new tracks. GOOD LUCK....

Don't Tread On Me

My mind grows like a vine,
Made up of interstellar twine,
The all seeing eye says to get back, get back in line,
But not this time, I shout back unwind, unwind, unwind!

Your place on this earth is a simple state,
You wake from your robotic slumber and once again join the infamous rat race.
About face, the next day comes, you enter your trance,
Will you continue to play this ignorant game, continue to do their repetitive dance.
Take your place back in life, fight back, fight back,
Refuse to pick up their end of the slack!

My mind grows like a vine,
Made up of interstellar twine,
The all seeing eye says to get back, get back in line but this time,
I shout back, unwind, unwind, unwind!

Are we all dumbfounded primates swinging through the steel trees?
Continuing to labor, following orders like a swarm of working bees,
Or are you the one to stand out, the one to take a creative stance,
The one to turn around and pick up your razor edged lance,
Stabbing through the heart of the saw toothed party,
The party that tells you not to be tardy,
What to think, what to eat, how to act,
The time to fight is now, for your vicarious outlook has been viciously attacked!

My mind grows like a vine,
Made up of interstellar twine,
The all seeing eye says to get back, get back in line,
but this time, I shout back, unwind, unwind, unwind!

Pick your weapon of choice,
But this time your selection is deadly,
Your selection is your voice,
More provocative then a sword,
Your demand will be your reward,
You asked for your liberty, your freedom,
But they stare at you with glassy eyes,
This time you will not believe their lies,
Their lies that ask calmly for your steady demise.
If they had it their way you would sink to the murky bottom of the life they choose,
A life full of fallacy, with nothing to prove,
Your goal is to make them greater,
A swifter, more deadly version of what they already are,
But should we all be equal, all hitting par?

My mind grows like a vine,
Made up of interstellar twine,
The all seeing eyes says to get back, get back in line,
but this time, I shout back, unwind, unwind, unwind!

Your incandescent attitude has been proven a cure,
The lines the party drew,
are no longer what they were.
Your decision to provide an incision into the lifestyle they chose,
has now caused a veritable silence, a quiet pause.
A pause that has them feeling the same fear,
They had dealt upon you, it has them wondering is this cause for alarm?
You’ve broken away from the pack,
And now you know to never look back,
The rest of the herd follows your movement with heavy regard,
Their eyes ride you, wondering if you will starve,
They then see there is no danger to such a move,
To think outside the iron box, to find your own groove.
They follow, watching your cognitive evolution,
Surprise, surprise, viva la revolution!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Desolation Desert

Sand bitter, grainy sand surrounds my every move,
Which way, which way, o which way should I choose…
Everywhere I look this desert is never ending,
Into a boiling pot, my brain, the sun is sending.
I follow the rolling hills of white sand with my tired eyes,
Surely there is no end, surely, this is my demise.
I trudge through this inescapable desert, my heart begins to pound,
I strive to scream just to hear the sound
Noise does not escape my vocal chords for my throat is too parched,
My skin, the sun has slowly begun to starch.
I fall into the sand, my face smacks the hot, unforgiving ground,
My head does not move, as I take a look around,
But all I see is pain and suffering, no cure for this hurt,
From the ground I have come, now I must return to the dirt.
I roll onto my back, sun drenched sky is all I see,
I wish to be up there, this is my final plea.
If I had wings, I could fly from this place,
Surely the air is cooler up there, up in outer space.
I would make my home as a celestial being, the stars would be my backyard,
There would never be any grieving.
No funerals, no rumors of war, no pain,
No strife, no need to feed poor,
I would wave the earth goodbye and all of its material items,
I would fly from planet to planet and become as one of the great titans.


This is normally just a forum for my poetry, but I feel like today warrants special attention. In an NCAA tournament where I am used to my Wildcats disappointing me, I am finally on the other end of the equation. My Cats came in this tournament as a twelve seed and to be honest I was just glad they made it to the field of sixty four. They upset Utah, which I honestly didn't think was a very big deal. Then a strange thing happened in the tournament. Cleveland State easily dispatched a seemingly powerful Wake Forest team. The Wildcats would be matched up with Cleveland State in the round of thirty two. The Cats took down the Vikings with ease and suddenly a team that supposedly didn't deserve to be in the tournament would be playing in the sweet sixteen. The reason I am posting this as a blog is all of the nostalgia this tournament has brought. I started remembering all of the great times I have had with my grandparents out in Tucson. Due to my grandpa's position, I have had the unique privilege of meeting some great players such as Richard Jefferson, Gilbert Arenas, Luke Walton, etc... Whether or not Arizona is able to pull a huge upset of Louisville tonight I will continue loving my Cats. Through my years as a fan, I have laughed, cried, screamed, thrown things, been enraged. But this year I have experienced a different emotion. I feel relieved. Relieved that we have found a way into the tournament, relieved that the Cats have a chance to advance, relieved that after all of the drama that has surrounded the program we still stand as elite. Most of all, I am relieved that tonight we have a chance to upend a Louisville program that has been picked by many to win the national championship. We are the underdog this time and you know what? I like being the underdog for a change. Bear down Arizona, Bear down red and blue...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Tower

Rejection, the pain I feel inside,
Redemption, my hurt no longer hides,
Escape, getting away from all that which hurts,
Love, something I have found that yearns,
only bringing more feelings that burn, from within,
I can not escape that which lives inside, it makes a hole,
Continues to divide, a powerful presence I can not rid myself of,
Something existential, not from above.
How can you continue to ignore me? Destroy my will, all that I thought which was for me,
Instead, you work against me, continue to kill,
Lying you wait, I begin to grow ill.
My ego was a safe house, now it is not, if this malice continues,
My heart, it will rot, as the flower that decays and withers before the eye,
Do you think I am different, this pain, I can defy?
No, your denial, I admit, has a vice grip on my heart,
Of this feeling, can I ever depart? But wait, within your rejection I have found a flaw,
A single mistake, but indeed, one that I surely saw….
Hate! your hatred betrays you, yes, it begins to flay you,
Like a whip with a power driven hand, your tower,
It will not stand, because of one little bud.
A bud that paws its way through the soil, do you think it will quit,
Rid itself of endless toil? No, this bud, it struggles, it grows, blossoming into a beautiful rose, 
Climbing, reaching, for what, no one yet knows.
Ah, then you see, your hatred hath no power,
For the rose has overshadowed your strong, impenetrable tower.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Gift

I rise from my bed, through my dreams, my mind continues to tread,
What a strange picture that plays in my head.
The pain I had felt, was it real or was it not?
A deafening burn likened only to being shot.
From the blades of my shoulder, something was growing,
Of what, I am beyond in my knowing.
Alas, I reached for the pain, but all I found were white, powder feathers,
Was I going insane?
“Surely this can not be happening!” I exclaimed with a shout,
From out of a corner in my mind, came a man without a doubt,
He looked me in the eye,
His stare was ablaze, he barred my way,
I felt as if lost in a never ending maze,
“Help me.” is all I could choke, I fell to the cold, hard ground,
In death surely I would soak.
I peered upward, the man, well, his time worn hand was extended,
His palm was flat, his grasp, was intended.
I reached outward, my bony arm straightened, to get to his hand,
My shoulder was heavy laden.
The man, he changed, the bright gleam in his eye, gone
A shadow of what used to be had now been spawned,
This man I now feel, I must be his pawn.
His hand, he pulled back to his side,
No longer was help offered, I began to cry.
“You are different.” he exclaimed with a yell, “And for that you are punished,”
His voice was robotic, from what I could tell.
A gleaming shovel, in his hands, it was held, of its use,
I do not know all that well
But, then, it became apparent to me, this steel shovel was a parasite of misdeed.
The man began to dig and dig,
With each shovel full of earth he would not renege,
His mistake he was making, of one thing he was sure,
I belonged six feet below, unholy and impure
This man’s name was world, my creativity his sordid victim,
Why this happened, I am surely now stricken.
In the beginning he saw me as the same,
But when he realized I had a gift,
His mood, well, it changed.
Instead of showing me how to utilize my treasure,
He saw it as a curse, from which came no pleasure,
No prize to his purse.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Most Beautiful Flower

In the lonely meadow I found a liquid flower,
Its water petals imparted on me a certain power,
The wondrous ability to no longer cower before man,
He would no longer vehemently plan, for me, a life full of exhortation,
Constantly urging me to believe in the fallacy he was selling,
Making a cardboard box my permanent dwelling.
This flower helped me visualize what society believes I should idealize.
Intellectual conglomerates brought technology to ease life’s strain
But modern man tells me that these corporations are just a stain,
A horrible abscess on the skin of the earth,
These socialists tell us we are losing our net worth.
So I guess I should give back all my freedoms,
It’s ok, I don’t really need them.
I will become just like everyone else
And forget a land where I was free to think for myself.
No longer will I drive my car, because it creates carbon tar
That eventually will destroy humanity
Instead, I will designate myself to a life of insanity.
Making the same mistakes that civilization already made,
Following the same streamlined motorcade back into earlier days
Where no roads, car, planes, or trains existed,
I guess this change should not be resisted.
So please, great society, decide what is good for me,
Tell me where I shall be,
In this blueprint of communistic thought and thinking
That will render me speechless, and unblinking,
Forever sinking into my shallow grave,
Where I have no choice but to behave,
Submitting myself to countless rules and regulations
So I can live in a land that is just like all the other nations.
A neutered land without freedom, no fervor in its behavior,
A place that needs a spiritual savior.
I believe in a happening that is worse then death,
A law that tells me how to breathe my own breath.
Thank you for sending this flower,
That shows me I should no longer cower.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gone But Not Forgotten

I created you with only ink and paper,
You were just a lovely fragment of a memory gone by,
A captured entity of my mind's eye, everywhere I went,
I felt your calming presence,
Overwhelming essence, your wondrous image,
A fractal portrait projected and burned on my soul's screen,
A vision like I had never before seen,
Your inexplicable beauty, stalker of all my thoughts,
So you see, I had to do it, you had to be,
I put my pen to the page,
Became like a renaissance sage,
Described in painstaking detail,
I let my mind set full sail, resurrected your memory from the grave,
I revived your life-stream, for once, death was staved,
As I began to re-create you from cognitive recollection,
My senses drifted through that hellish intersection,
The horrifying night when you were stolen from me,
Though I remember, you left so gracefully.
Tears streamed from my eyes, as you looked up at me,
Smiled, and whispered, my side, you would not leave,
You were not speaking just to be heard,
Your speech was not slurred, and I knew,
Though it seemed impossible, you meant every last word.
Your eyes locked with mine,
As you painfully exhaled one last time,
I watched your soul fade from your tired gaze as the sun does at dusk,
And from that moment on I was haunted,
Tormented by the same sight,
That had for so long been the light, the lantern that lit my path,
The cool breeze that calmed my fiery wrath,
You held me up when I started to fall,
You were the foundation of my heart's inner wall,
A siren, intoxicating my subconscious with a ballad of seduction,
An anthem that fueled my soul's abduction.
You may no longer walk with me on the shores of this old earth,
But through my dreams, I will perpetually witness your rebirth.
When I sleep, I awaken,
To a land where I am no longer forsaken,
You await in a quiet, sun-drenched meadow with arms open wide,
I sit joyously by your side, in you, I am free to confide.
As my pen traverses the bounds of this blank landscape,
I contemplate, the wondrous atrocity of our fateful first meeting,
For that was the day that my heart started beating.
Goodnight my love, may I soon join you, among stars above.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Traveler's Guide to the Path of Ultimate Resistance

I exited my own skin,
I shall never return to that wretched place again,
Found a landscape among the stars,
Left behind the cold, iron bars,
That kept my mind held hostage,
My tired soul a prisoner of my own body,
Life had consistently flogged me
And kept my dreams as subterranean nightmares,
I was stuck in the putrid muck of my own violent fears,
A captive of a materialistic society,
Founded on the basis of unquenchable impropriety.
I will miss my fellow inmates,
May you find my same peace, a last suggestion;
Cut through the camouflage of golden fleece,
Find the ravished wolves among you,
So that they shall not devour your brothers and sister,
Avoid those whose plans are sinister,
They will shackle your livelihood,
Taking away all that is good,
You will be subject to the same perverted illusion,
Subordinate to their demands of delusion.
You will grow tired of living the same, insipid lie,
The one that leads you down a path called demise.
So take a hold of my advice,
Find solitude in escaping the bounds of the existential realm,
Recover a place at your mind's helm,
Navigate the waters of your own imagination,
Refuse the castration, of free will, creative thought,
And you will be glad you had fought.
Continue to live a life outside the traps,
The snares of a robotic existence,
Sometimes the road of resolution,
Is the path of ultimate resistance.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Annihilation

The man punishes me, sticks a steel bit in my mouth,
An iron saddle on my back, he takes everything,
Even that which I lack, his sharp spurs dig deep into my side,
I cry out in pain, but he smiles, continues to ride,
I plow his dirt of thistles and thorns, from this ground,
Nothing will be born, except hatred, malice, constant deceit,
But I refuse to, I will not, cannot, accept defeat
I fall to the dirt, taste blood between my teeth,
I close my eyes and pray for some sort of relief
But all I feel is the sting from his hard, leather crop
As he beats me incessantly, refuses to stop
I lay on my bruised back, looking up at the cloudy sky,
That's when I realize, for liberty, I am prepared to die
For what can be worse than losing my own freedom, volition,
The right to make a choice, a forum,
Where I can make loud my angry voice
My soul has been shackled, bridled in heavy chains,
I am left to scrub out the man's guilt-loaded stains
I will not live a life of tragic despair, stuck on the tracks of a train called fear.
The rage rises up within my chest, this is my last attempt,
And I will give it my very best. I lash out with all the fury built up within my soul,
To create a change, well, that is my final goal
I hear him cry out as I begin my last bout, sending my feet into his stomach,
With a satisfying thud, he falls on his back,
I do not give him any time to react
I straddle him, my calloused hands clutching his cold, slimy, throat,
I grow weary of him claiming my hard-earned profits, never again will he gloat.
As I feel the man give away his last breath,
I realize I too, face the blood red door of death.
I see them coming up the grassy hill, their battle-cry is shrill,
They have come for me, to take my life, but all I see is the end of strife.
I sit, feel the warm earth between my fingers,
The feeling of pain no longer lingers,
I close my eyes and feel the cool breeze against my battered skin,
My eyes open and I am in a place I have never been.
For the first time ever, I see the sun set,
This is a sight I shall never forget
They come upon me as ravished wolves upon a sick fawn,
It is true I will not see another dawn, but I fear not
The warm sunset slowly fades,
Into shades of smoky gray,
The light pulsates against my dimming pupils,
They tear me apart with their tools of destruction,
But this begins my plan's construction.
I chuckle, they do not realize their grave misdeed,
For they have sewn the reformation seed. As death grabs ahold,
I see the entire fold, my brothers and sisters witnessed my courageous last stand,
They will take back their once great land.
The men who had all the power will be left only to cower,
Before the raised fist, that rises through the graveyard mist.
Nightfall descends on my own existence,
But I have given birth to a revolutionary resistance.
The citizens march as one, their power, more than that of a loaded gun,
United, a perfect symbol of liberty,
I have reminded them, of what it truly means to be free.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Riddle

I stare for hours at if this instrument with such incredible powers.

I bow at its black, plastic body begging to learn all,
But the only thing emitted is a loud droning call,
The sounds of voices from far and wide,
Will this idol change my mind’s tide?
Its litigating voice leaves me in a stubborn, stupefied daze
When will this robotic god help make great my ways?
I wait and watch for hours more,
Its senseless signals meld within my core,
Its gossiping beacon leaves me hypnotized,
O when will I awake, when will I rise,
And realize, that this plastic box of knowledge is merely a hoax,
Made merely to coax, my mind into a dumbfounded
stupor, Of which I will never return, into my brain,
Images are burned, and all that I have learned,
Has caused me to no longer yearn
to be greater than I am, to be a better man.
Instead, I grow gluttonous and lazy,
I’m telling you this, so the box does not slay thee.
My spirit is drowning, in a mindless muck of waste,
My mind is hanging in a uninspired state,
I have asked for answers from this box of retardation
But the only thing this trash can do is turn to the next station.
I push the buttons and beg for answers
But all it does is cause more cancer,
It takes away and strips my knowledge bare,
Causing me to no longer care,
Full of fallacy and fiction this square will not listen.
But, Ahhhh, what is this great button I have found?
I have slain the beast with a push not a pound.
I needed no hammer, no hacksaw, no drill,
O what is this button, o what a great thrill!
My finger feels this little switch called power,
And with a tiny push, I need no longer cower,
Before this box, this beast, this great mind thief,
With one tiny push I have found my relief!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Lake

Gentle waves calmly make their way toward rock shore,
The cumulus clouds open like a great, white door,
Revealing light blue, o what a wondrous hue,
The ducks sit on shore, their feathered coat they methodically preen,
I take it all in, this sight, where blue meets green,
And all my vicious, violent thoughts are cast asunder,
O what a view, what great wonder!
The circle of fire slowly begins to hide
Below the horizon, it reluctantly slides,
And bows before the great, pale moon,
Night fall, like a flower, begins to bloom,
The cicada happily sings his soulful tune
As dark descends like a masked caper,
My thoughts ease out onto this blank paper,
I look up and notice across the lake
The asphalt road that continues to snake
Where it leads I do not know
But maybe someday, that way I will blow
Like the gentle wind that whispers at me,
Begging me to stay, that is its plea
I cast my glance at the now pitch black sky,
The moon greets me with a grand surprise
He lays a soft, white carpet of light at my feet
With this great gift, I can not compete
I cry, "O moon, I have nothing in return
, but I do want to give back, for this I yearn!"
The big ball begins to chuckle,
He thumbs his big, crater buckle, "I did not give in order to get,
you owe me nothing, so do not regret.
Now enjoy this beauty that surrounds you,
let it exfoliate your soul, within, it will create new!"
I look out on this window of the world,
At this cloth canvas that was lovingly unfurled
And paint was placed with painstaking detail,
Even the great Van Gogh could not match such a scale.

Nothing happening

Tonight was a rough night for Tim. One too many tests to study for. I had a poem ready for the blog and just couldn't bring myself to do it. Goodnight my fellow space travelers. Keep those imaginations vivid and those minds sharp.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Along the sidewalk I stride,
Passing me, a biker rides,
His powerful muscle propels his slender, streamlined vehicle along
His legs pedal to the beat of a competitor's song
All I can think of is you and your spirited love for that bike
Yes, I am sure it was love and not just a strong like
The bike was an extension of your physicality, it brought you freedom
And, I thought, never-ending vitality,
As you pedaled along on one of your last great marathons,
You felt it, I know you did
That burning pain that crept through your lungs, arms, and legs
But this was the lifeblood that ran through your veins
Quitting was not in your vocabulary
So it was only fitting that you finish this last great race
And I wonder when my mind begins to bring back your face
Along with thoughts of courage and determination
I wonder if in a simple act of propitiation
In order to appease your tireless soul
Your brain gathered up one last scene from the memory bowl
As doctor and nurse scuttled all around you
Your soul saw a completely different view
You stood with your bike, handlebars gripped tight
As you watched the slowly descending night,
The beauty of nature all surrounding
You felt your heart, within you, it was pounding
And as you prepared to leap back on your bike
A smile crept up on your face
A smile that was begging for that last great race.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cocaine Habitat

I snort it to live, for it is my oxygen,
It enters my bloodstream and at once makes life seem,
So much more fruitful, easy to bare,
It takes me to an oasis where,
I no longer must deal with the demon's constant squeal,
Instead I reside in a symbiotic state,
One where my dream is my fate,
My imagination's plate, is full of life's feast.
There is no more taking bad with the good,
My existence is finally as it should, be.
I may no longer be healthy, full of vitality,
But it is a small price to pay to leave normality.
My outer shell is dying,
But on the inside I am flying,
Across the vast expanse of space and time,
Leave me be while I live another line.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Loneliest Road

My feet create a beat on that rarely-traveled street
Vicious cold, ever so bold, bites at my tender skin
Surrounding this street, no buildings, no houses,
My ears, the silence liberally douses
Bare field and frozen plane is all that my sight seizes,
This perfect picture of isolation, my memory freezes
As my feet create a beat on that rarely-traveled street
I pull tensely at my jacket,
Pleading for warmth to return to my frigid bones,
This cold owns, encapsulates my body in frozen shackles,
Like a maniac it cackles, at my peril
Person after person passes me on the street,
They offer neither a hello nor goodbye,
They do not answer my desperate cries
Their faces are blank, they are nameless creatures,
With no memorable features, they walk on,
Into the valley of oblivion, into the dark matter,
As my feet create a beat on that rarely-traveled street
The crowd begins to grow tighter, building in number,
Their marching, the sound of echoing thunder
I feel myself begin to choke as they pull me into the cloak,
Of darkness and despair, that horrific land where,
Hopes and dreams are dashed to pieces,
Creativity ceases and artistic endeavor is not an option
I am caught up in this flock like a ship in a storm,
Tossed about, battered and torn.
My ears ring, as the crowd sings,
The same verse, of the same chorus,
This song is porous, containing no soul,
Riddled with countless holes
This road is called death and I am its victim,
All is lonely, in life’s eviction.
Surrounded by all but surrounded by none,
My race has been run, my story is done.
Alas, I have left a novel of incomplete tales,
Where the central character always fails.
I continue down the avenue, into the dark,
Silent is the once tireless lark.
All my fears have come to a head
On this walk that I always did dread
My heart does not beat on that rarely-traveled street.

The Beauty of Happiness

I feel the ice flow through my veins
Within my tired body, the cold slowly stains, my spirit
I can no longer bare it
This pain eats away
Destroying all, why I am I here?
What is life's call?
I open my dreary window and to my great surprise
I feel the wind blow
I look out, ecstatic to see
This beautiful world that lies before me
Great, green rain forest, snow-capped mountains
Endless desert, gushing fountains
Bustling city, arctic glaciers
How could I have missed out on such wondrous nature?
My heart begins to beat again
My frozen blood, thaws within
Joy returns in my soul, it digs in
Takes back control, from that ugly demon of sadness
That nearly drove me into perpetual madness
Change is coming, in a downpour
It presents itself, to my life,
This change brings great wealth
Before this moment, my existence was that of a ship
Wrecked on a reef of self-pity and despair
I sought out happiness but found it nowhere
Now my life has finally evolved
Torturous feelings have been resolved
I now realize life is not just a monotonous task
Instead, in its warm rays, I shall bask
Enjoying the beauty all around
No longer am I a ship, run aground.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Tree

I reach softly into my chest and pull out my still beating heart
I claw at the earth with bloodied hands
Maybe if I commit this one final act of love
I can supply her demands
I plant my heart beneath the soil
My soul watches as my heart tirelessly toils
Takes root, then sprouts up through the eroded ground
Do you hear the echoing sound?
My heart pulsates below the surface of the earth
Trying to prove to her its worth
With each beat the sprout grows, into what?
No one quite knows
First a shrub, then a tree
From the bounds of pain
My heart desires to be freed
My blood nourishes like water, the beautiful red leaves
The tree has found life
Through its existence, I begin to breathe
I watch her as she rests under the shade of my branches
She stands majestically, gracefully dances
Through my dreams, the innermost hollows of my mind
But in reality I find
She stands away from my bark exterior
Away from my loving grasp
She stares as if looking into the den of the most venomous asp
In desperation I plead for assistance from the wind
He complies, rushes through my limbs
Allowing them to bend
I bow before her, I present her with my fruit of labor
But this does not effect my favor
In her eyes I am still despised
Destined to stay rooted in my own demise.