Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The sidewalk is my launching pad, I crouch, feeling my legs coil,
The lactic acid in my muscles begins to broil as my body prepares for flight.
My feet push forcefully against the concrete, Takeoff!
I launch myself into the atmosphere, hurtling through the sky,
Gravity, I have chosen to defy, breaking the bounds,
Those iron manacles that shackle my frame,
Leaving me unequivocally lame, but no longer,
I have made a decision to resist, to not cease and desist,
To make a home in the stratosphere,
To create a dwelling in the air up there,
I have found my nirvana
As I make my way through the wondrous heavens I lasso the tail of a shooting star,
I steer it like a fireball car, a vehicle of light,
A conduit for my spirit, feel my unquenchable joy,
If you listen hard enough, you can hear it.
Scientists say there is no sound in outer space,
But they have not been to this most deafening place,
A beauty in this noise that I can not describe,
In this noise there is no angry diatribe, only the praises of grateful beings,
Within this praise there is heartfelt meaning,
My star has now taken me where no other star can,
To a place where I need no longer plan, for pain and heartbreak,
For such a despicable feeling, with such minuscule problems,
I am tired of dealing, I will never revisit that big blue and green planet,
That place that I used to call my home,
That large bio dome,
Why go back to a planet that gave me limits,
When up here there is no such thing,
Up here I have made incredible gains,
I shall never return to earth, the world that gave me chains.

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