Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I see you standing on the corner of that sparsely lit street,
Before this, I believe we did meet,
Yes, I’m quite sure of it, I saw you before,
I saw you stand over him while he laid there on the floor.
You in your jet black cloak, razor sharp sickle in tow,
Around you, the wind did not dare blow,
But I barred your way, I am a guardian of life,
I refuse to betray, hideously, you screamed,
As I stood there, fiery shield and sword I did bare,
Ready for your furious attack, within me no fear,
But you were smart not to be so bold,
You knew there was no chance of bringing him into the cold,
I will stand watch over him day and night,
If its what you want, I will give you a fight,
But you must understand you will not defeat the light.

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