Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, this is a little bit of a change from my usual format. I wrote this poem for a class but that isn't to say that this poem didn't mean something special to me. I've never been a huge fan of classical music but I have a great amount of respect for the musicians. Enjoy.

He felt the wondrous sound burn within,
An arsonist like there's never been, it scorched his soul,
Took complete control, his ears were shut but his mind was open,
His imagination soared in the form of rhythm and chords,
Ink descended from his heaven-sent quill,
Noise of the angels it did furiously spill,
Manifested on paper through notes and scales,
This conduit set full sail, created a new land among the glorious stars,
Built a universe out of measures and bars,
He changed the way we hear, see, feel, at our hearts he did passionately peel,
Dug in, blazed a path into our minds,
Opened the dusty, worn out blinds, let the light shine in,
Brought us to a place we'd never been,
In an intense rage he pushed the pen to the parchment,
Showed us where the bounds of love and obsession went,
This fiery passion stemmed from the depths of his innermost being,
Without music, life had no meaning,
His stage was the page, on it, he built civilizations,
Constructed the origin of symphonic nations,
Infuriated by his open space environment,
He saw it as a horrific waste, so he made great haste,
With excruciating effort worked to fill the landscape with melodic structure,
He looked to rupture, the mundane, the norm,
He sought to create within the calm, a glorious storm,
Leaving the ear forever reborn,
Rejoice o great musician,
For you are the artist’s every ambition,
A revered creator of all that is pure,
For the colorless you provided the all healing cure,
A polychromatic pallet of musical bliss, greater even,
Than a lover’s first kiss.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I draw a line in my mind and watch as it becomes a tall, majestic pine,
The leaves unfold, fruit blossoms and begins to grow,
From this fruit comes an animal,
Of what type, I’m not sure,
It stares up at me as it comes into existence,
I reach down to pet this creature,
And it offers no resistance,
I run my fingers through its soft silky fur,
It begins to coo, as if some type of a bird,
How can this be happening?
This beast has changed before my eyes,
Become a fine-feathered falcon, as if revealing itself from a disguise,
But wait is it a falcon? For its eyes are too large, too round,
My psyche is trying to keep up but my brain begins to pound.
Is this a tiger, lion, bear, falcon, or an owl,
As I search my inner thoughts for an answer my face forms a scowl,
How can this be, what sick trick is my mind playing on me?
I look back at the bird,
His feathers are no longer what they were,
They form scales, and this bird begins to hiss,
This is no feathered friend, surely my thoughts have run amiss,
No, I begin to see a changing reality,
A deadly viper is now slithering its way toward my person,
A certain formality, this snake is no longer a serpent,
Legs begin to grow and arms swing to-and-fro from the body of this creature,
This beast is becoming a person, a child,
Then a man, he stands before me and then I suddenly understand,
My eyes while they are blind,
Have been defeated by my imagination's flight,
My mind has given me the gift of sight.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I see you standing on the corner of that sparsely lit street,
Before this, I believe we did meet,
Yes, I’m quite sure of it, I saw you before,
I saw you stand over him while he laid there on the floor.
You in your jet black cloak, razor sharp sickle in tow,
Around you, the wind did not dare blow,
But I barred your way, I am a guardian of life,
I refuse to betray, hideously, you screamed,
As I stood there, fiery shield and sword I did bare,
Ready for your furious attack, within me no fear,
But you were smart not to be so bold,
You knew there was no chance of bringing him into the cold,
I will stand watch over him day and night,
If its what you want, I will give you a fight,
But you must understand you will not defeat the light.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Get ready.....


Friday, April 17, 2009


As I don the garbs of conformation,
I feel as though I am clothing myself in hypocritical affirmation.
Camouflage is fitting, for so it does to my creative spirit,
Hides all individualism, I can hardly bare it
I stare forward with steel eyes, body rigid as a plank,
This robotic attitude I do despise
The orders are barked and together we march,
Our heads turning neither to the left nor the right,
We follow command all day and all night,
No shades of gray, only black and white.
The uniform sound where boot meets ground,
Greets my ears, like finger nails greet a chalkboard,
But inside, my screams I must hoard.
This sterility kills my minds imaginative fertility,
Burning up any pre-formed visions of independence,
Will I ever find a path of transcendence?
Until I do I will continue to march in the same stoic formation,
Into the sunset, the sunset of a once great nation.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Blood streams from my pale lips,
Bullets have torn my skin into flesh strips.
Life for me is coming to a climactic end,
My window on the world is beginning to bend.
I know it will soon break,
Sending my spirit to fiery lake.
I rest my head against the brick,
Ballistic riddled wall,
I know longer feel proud,
I no longer stand tall.
Instead I sit here pathetic and weak,
A reflection of the havoc I myself had once reeked.
Death had always been apart of my life,
So I guess there’s some irony in my new found strife.
They march toward me,
Those night winged demons,
Ready to drag me away,
I am ripe for the season.
I could care less,
Within I confess,
I have no expectation for extended vitality.
What else is reality,
Except my constant struggle with duality,
The demon leader grasps at my jaw,
Plunging his icy fingers into my soft facial skin,
So what if he wins?
With careless contempt I spit into his void expression,
I will accept death but not repression,
Blank stare greets his piercing screams,
I no longer fear death,
Nor the pain it brings,
It drags me away,
Where there are no shades of gray,
As I descend into hellish fraternity,
I instantly realize my own eternity,
I laugh as it pulls me under,
I no longer wonder about that which I used to.
For what does one have to lose once he has lost it all?
Victory I have found in scaling that towering wall.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Chair

I sit here alone in this dark, desperate room
Waiting to succumb to some sort of doom,
In this shallow pool of dubious gloom
I stare at the door in front of me,
Expecting that handle to turn,
Within me, fear burns, like a wildfire and takes a hold of my soul,
No, it will not let go, I continue to wait here for hours, days,
Then weeks, I feel the vile stench yanking at my skin,
O how it reeks, but I can not leave.
So I stay, in my chair,
And time continues to wear,
At this door, I will continue to stare.
I am growing old, my aging body,
Now full of wrinkles and folds,
My heart, dying like grass in the coming cold.
Life has come and gone,
I wish for another sunlit dawn,
Another bright morning, a chance to live with no fear,
But instead I blew it all on that horrible chair,
Where all I did was sit and stare,
Waiting for a monster or some sort of atrocious beast
But there was nothing beyond that door except a great feast,
A feast of life, love and passion,
But I chose to live in the same old fashion,
I walked the path of least resistance
But found myself the furthest distance, from happiness.
I was afraid to take the chance so I did not advance,
True, I lived of no care, a life full of fear,
Where all I did was stare, in that disgusting, old chair.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


SOOOOOOO, I thought this picture about said it all.... ENJOY

Do not worry about me, I will do you no harm,
There is no reason to fear, to trip the alarm.
True, I will take away a freedom here and there
But do not realize me for what I am, a great vicious bear,
Biting and clawing away at your liberty,
Your pursuit of happiness, all that has been given to thee.
In my grandiose speeches I tell of a land where freedom has become heavily banned,
I speak of the evils that have befallen us all
And I swear to change things when you vote me in this fall.
I show you visions of great grandeur, visions of a land where,
The first shall be last and the last shall be first,
In order to accomplish this I will take from the hard working rich man’s bountiful purse.
No, I do not have much experience but do not worry,
Be not wary of this, small subtle question mark,
This minute disclaimer, on this issue grant me a waiver.
I need little practice, know-how for this occupation, all I’m trying to become,
is leader of a great nation. I tell you I am for the working class,
the poor and the needy, but how I will get there, well, yes, my plan is quite seedy.
I shout out through my media megaphone
And instantly all the great outlets fall at my feet, prone,
To my steady lies, this stealth disguise that will help lead you straight into demise.
It is true I am naive, I truly believe I am giving you what you need,
A healthy vaccination that will continue to reprieve,
So continue on great land, in your egotistical ignorance,
There is no reason for feelings of the tense.
Pay no attention to my hardened socialist policy,
My platform that I have built on many a fallacy.
Keep on feeding me with baby food questions,
And I will continue to answer according to the majority’s suggestion.
I will entrance you with my speech, destroy your intelligence like a leech
So sit back and enjoy my promises of a sun drenched beach,
A utopia, a paradise society, a humanistic land based upon propriety.
Prepare yourself for a land of change, where I will continue to derange,
Any and all, get ready, vote me in, this fall.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The sidewalk is my launching pad, I crouch, feeling my legs coil,
The lactic acid in my muscles begins to broil as my body prepares for flight.
My feet push forcefully against the concrete, Takeoff!
I launch myself into the atmosphere, hurtling through the sky,
Gravity, I have chosen to defy, breaking the bounds,
Those iron manacles that shackle my frame,
Leaving me unequivocally lame, but no longer,
I have made a decision to resist, to not cease and desist,
To make a home in the stratosphere,
To create a dwelling in the air up there,
I have found my nirvana
As I make my way through the wondrous heavens I lasso the tail of a shooting star,
I steer it like a fireball car, a vehicle of light,
A conduit for my spirit, feel my unquenchable joy,
If you listen hard enough, you can hear it.
Scientists say there is no sound in outer space,
But they have not been to this most deafening place,
A beauty in this noise that I can not describe,
In this noise there is no angry diatribe, only the praises of grateful beings,
Within this praise there is heartfelt meaning,
My star has now taken me where no other star can,
To a place where I need no longer plan, for pain and heartbreak,
For such a despicable feeling, with such minuscule problems,
I am tired of dealing, I will never revisit that big blue and green planet,
That place that I used to call my home,
That large bio dome,
Why go back to a planet that gave me limits,
When up here there is no such thing,
Up here I have made incredible gains,
I shall never return to earth, the world that gave me chains.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Down by the Guadalupe

On the banks of the Guadalupe I sit and watch her flow,
I bask against the well rooted Cypress tree, as time begins to slow.
Her beauty is like a finely cut jewel, an emerald in color,
To not relish in this wonder, one would be a fool.
She glides quietly against pale limestone cliff,
Making her way through the river bed, gentle, yet swift.
She speaks softly to me in hushed tones,
Into her liquid arms I throw small stones,
And watch them skip across her slowly moving surface.
I stand and make my way towards her, I step into her gently,
Her cool handed touch elegantly surrounds me.
She makes her way up just past my knees,
I stand and enjoy her cool mist breeze,
Watching her as she saunters into the distance,
What a wonderful life, an easy going existence, facing such minimal resistance.
I admit I have grown very envious of her free flowing style,
But for now I will just have to partake from my imagination vial,
And envision myself flowing smoothly alongside her,
An eternal companion, we will flow into the distance, forever together.

Friday, April 3, 2009


My body is a fluid, it flows with the ebb and tide,
It becomes permeable when pressure is applied,
It floats through this vast expanse with no thought,
No question of when, where, or why….
How did I get here?
I continue to squeeze through this war-torn continuum,
Of space and time, mental and physical.
When will my mind distinguish the boundary lines?
My body continues to float,
It makes its way through a great, placid moat,
I envision myself in the reflection of the water,
But there is nothing, nor will there ever be,
My existence is fake, a falsified showing of life,
O what a waste, what a wretched, despondent display full of strife.
My reflection was not abducted,
Surely, my view was unobstructed,
There was no mistake, no error in my thought,
O how can this happen, from what evil was this nightmare wrought?
I am not here, I never was, and never will,
I dwell on this hard to swallow pill as I continue to float.
I wake up, and free myself from my sweat drenched sheets,
I hit the floor hard upon my feet,
As I launch myself from my bed chamber,
I run to the mirror expecting to see nothing or maybe a face of a stranger.
There lies before me, myself, skin and bone,
O, beautiful flesh I fall to the tile floor, I lay down,
Entrapping myself in a great bear hug,
I have never been so thankful, at my skin I continue to tug,
I am alive and that I will never take for granted,
Never again will I be so disenchanted.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Light vs. Dark

Out of the corner of my eye a dark shadow makes his home,
To his every game, my mind is continually prone,
I turn to stare this devil down,
But where did the dark fiend hide,
He is Nowhere to be found, time, he has begun to bide,
I make my way warily down this sparsely lit Hall,
I take a look behind, ah, was that him over on the wall,
Has my sanity started to unwind?
Sweat crawls carefully down my spine,
As I nervously wait for some type of sign,
That he is there watching me, following my every step,
Out of my mind he refuses to be kept,
The shadow digs into my mind,
Submerges his cat-like claws in my imagination skin,
He refuses to cease, this dark power must win,
I feel like a great owl, my head is on a pivot,
Within my soul, the dark has dug a fear divot,
Made me his captive, a prisoner with no parole,
This shadow knows how to enforce a greater and greater toll.
I have become weary in this constant, ferocious battle,
I feel as though I am following a herd of ignorant cattle,
And succumbing to this ever-present fear,
A word to the wise, don’t allow this evil to come near,
If you give him an inch he will not only pinch,
But he will begin to tear and claw, kicking and screaming,
But not to worry, because there is a flaw within his black heart.
Illumination! I make my way towards a door,
I open it, and in the light begins to pour,
I feel the shadow lunge, trying to grab and pull me back,
But this time he will not win,
He screams in pain as the light tears through his dark matter,
His nightmare flesh begins to tatter,
Leaving him broken and battered.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I follow a dirt path,
Through the tall grass,
Many a mighty oak I continue to pass,
I reach out and feel the blades bow before my hand,
I feel as though sovereign,
A king of a great land,
As I continue to trek,
I reach the mighty forest,
The sparrows greet me with their beautiful chorus,
I bid my hand to them and say adieu,
I continue to walk, enjoying the wondrous view.
Sun escapes,
Creeping its way through the trees,
It is not all that makes its way through cunningly,
So does a swift yet gentle breeze,
The forest is dark but my heart has never been so light,
My spirit flies high,
Like the flight of a kite,
Fern and frond surround,
Butterfly flutters, I lay on the soft forest ground,
My mind begins to un-clutter,
I look up at the canopy of great, green giants,
And thanks to this escape I feel as though no longer an appliance, of the world,
I will never go back to civility, to that life I so despised,
Where everything seems a copy, a continuous reprise.
I will make my home right here,
This great forest,
This entrancing utopia of no care.