Sunday, April 26, 2009


I draw a line in my mind and watch as it becomes a tall, majestic pine,
The leaves unfold, fruit blossoms and begins to grow,
From this fruit comes an animal,
Of what type, I’m not sure,
It stares up at me as it comes into existence,
I reach down to pet this creature,
And it offers no resistance,
I run my fingers through its soft silky fur,
It begins to coo, as if some type of a bird,
How can this be happening?
This beast has changed before my eyes,
Become a fine-feathered falcon, as if revealing itself from a disguise,
But wait is it a falcon? For its eyes are too large, too round,
My psyche is trying to keep up but my brain begins to pound.
Is this a tiger, lion, bear, falcon, or an owl,
As I search my inner thoughts for an answer my face forms a scowl,
How can this be, what sick trick is my mind playing on me?
I look back at the bird,
His feathers are no longer what they were,
They form scales, and this bird begins to hiss,
This is no feathered friend, surely my thoughts have run amiss,
No, I begin to see a changing reality,
A deadly viper is now slithering its way toward my person,
A certain formality, this snake is no longer a serpent,
Legs begin to grow and arms swing to-and-fro from the body of this creature,
This beast is becoming a person, a child,
Then a man, he stands before me and then I suddenly understand,
My eyes while they are blind,
Have been defeated by my imagination's flight,
My mind has given me the gift of sight.

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